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Big Sky
Big Sky
Big Sky is a redblooded space shooter. A giant alien invasion threatens the planet! Take control of a spaceship as they head deep into the approaching storm... Face off against 11 enemies, 2 giant bosses, upgrade your ship and smash through meteor showers and planets!
Lunnye Devitsy
Lunnye Devitsy
Lunnye is a mystery/puzzle platformer. You play as a little alien that falls off the moon and you have to make your way back. But it's a lot tougher than it sounds, take it from me, I'm the one who made it! The objective is to find your way back to the moon using 6 possible exits on a large mountainside.
Really Big Sky
Really Big Sky
REALLY BIG SKY! A super fast, twin analogue shooter for the modern age! Way over in the big void of space live some aliens. They coveted [your planet] and would do anything to live there themselves. So what's [your planet] to do Yeah, blast through them all! Face off against waves of enemies, bosses, big laser planets, blackholes, wormholes, giant lasers, planets and asteroids across 12 game modes. BE THE HERO! Everything is procedurally generated from the way YOU play the game...
The Lunar Pack
The Lunar Pack
Wake is the story of an engineer trapped on a sinking ship. His goal is to navigate through the ship and find his way to the surface above.Dodge bullets and fire, most of all avoid drowning!Collect keys, torches, flares and even an axe to help you escapeDiscover the secrets of what really happened18 achievementsOnline highscoresFull Xbox 360 controller supportFree OST with bonus tracks, full 12 page manual and health and safety brochure
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