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ELECTIONS 2012 En route pour l'Elysée
ELECTIONS 2012 En route pour l'Elysée
A votre tour, lancezvous dans la campagne présidentielle ! La campagne démarre, c'est parti : intervenez dans les régions, soignez vos déclarations dans les meetings, participez aux événements les plus valorisants, tentez de rallier à vous des personnalités médiatiques, rencontrez les grands chefs d'État... mais pensez aussi à optimiser votre parcours et vos...
MASTERS OF THE WORLD Geopolitical Simulator 3 (English)
MASTERS OF THE WORLD Geopolitical Simulator 3 (English)
Discover the industry standard for geopolitical simulation of today’s world!
MASTERS OF THE WORLD Geopolitical Simulator 3 (French)
MASTERS OF THE WORLD Geopolitical Simulator 3 (French)
Découvrez la référence de la simulation géopolitique du monde d'aujourd'hui ! Dans Masters of the World, troisième évolution de Geopolitical Simulator, incarnez un chef de l'Etat d'un ou plusieurs pays au choix et étendez votre influence sur le monde.
MASTERS OF THE WORLD Geopolitical Simulator 3 (Italian)
MASTERS OF THE WORLD Geopolitical Simulator 3 (Italian)
Scoprite il top della simulazione geopolitica del mondo attuale! In Masters of the World, la terza incarnazione di Geopolitical Simulator, vi metterete nei panni di un capo di stato di uno o più paesi a scelta ed estenderete la vostra influenza sul mondo. Un motore di simulazione unico al mondo Geopolitical Simulator 3, il motore di gioco, comprende più di 600 dati per ciascuno dei 175 paesi giocabili e calcola in tempo reale la loro evoluzione per tutta la durata della...
MASTERS OF THE WORLD Geopolitical Simulator 3 (Spanish)
MASTERS OF THE WORLD Geopolitical Simulator 3 (Spanish)
¡Descubre la máxima expresión del sector de la simulación geopolítica del mundo actual! Con Masters of the World, la tercera encarnación de Geopolitical Simulator, juega como jefe de Estado de uno o más países y extiende tu influencia por todo el planeta.
POLITIK SIMULATOR 3 Masters of the World
POLITIK SIMULATOR 3 Masters of the World
Entdecken Sie den Branchenstandard für geopolitische Simulationen der heutigen Welt! In Masters of the World, der dritten Ausgabe von Politiksimulator, schlüpfen Sie in die Rolle eines Staatsoberhauptes eines oder mehrerer Länder und erweitern Ihren Einfluss auf dem Globus. Eine vollkommen einzigartige SimulationsEngine Die SpielEngine Politiksimulator 3 umfasst über 600 Datenelemente für jedes der 175 spielbaren Länder und...
Rulers of Nations – Geo–political Simulator 2
Rulers of Nations – Geo–political Simulator 2
Will you become the greatest Head of State Play one of the powerful rulers of a nation! . Slip into the shoes of the President of the U.S., or the leader of China, Russia, United Kingdom, or other countries. Expand your influence on the world stage. Two game modes are available
Rulers of Nations – Geo–political Simulator 2 (French)
Rulers of Nations – Geo–political Simulator 2 (French)
Will you become the greatest Head of State Play one of the powerful rulers of a nation! . Slip into the shoes of the President of the U.S., or the leader of China, Russia, United Kingdom, or other countries. Expand your influence on the world stage. Two game modes are available
Rulers of Nations – Geo–political Simulator 2 (German)
Rulers of Nations – Geo–political Simulator 2 (German)
Will you become the greatest Head of State Play one of the powerful rulers of a nation! . Slip into the shoes of the President of the U.S., or the leader of China, Russia, United Kingdom, or other countries. Expand your influence on the world stage. Two game modes are available
The Race for the White House
The Race for the White House
Play as a realworld candidate and completely immerse yourself into the battle of the 2012 presidential election! Travel around the United States, try to woo voters across the country, create your own political agenda, skillfully manage your campaign budget... and perhaps you will be the next White House occupant!
The Race for the White House (Mac)
The Race for the White House (Mac)
Play as a realworld candidate and completely immerse yourself into the battle of the 2012 presidential election! Travel around the United States, try to woo voters across the country, create your own political agenda, skillfully manage your campaign budget... and perhaps you will be the next White House occupant!
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