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Hanayama Level 1 Cast Puzzle - Bike
Hanayama Level 1 Cast Puzzle - Bike
American John R. Lynn originally created the Bike cast puzzle in 1898. When Nob Yoshigahara, perhaps the world's top puzzle creator, undertook the project of recreating this puzzle for Hanayama he did not have the original cast Bike. After a considerable amount of time, Nob was able to create a puzzle with which he was satisfied. In 1994, the world once again had the treat of solving Bike. Can you take it apart and put it back together again?
Hanayama Level 1 Cast Puzzle - Flag
Hanayama Level 1 Cast Puzzle - Flag
The Flag cast puzzle was a survivor of Britain's 19th Century puzzle craze. Nob Yoshigahara, perhaps the world's top puzzle creator, found an original version of Flag at a flea market and revived it for Hanayama to realease in 1994. To solve this puzzle, Nob suggests that you keep in mind the notion of intersecting the flags. Can you take it apart and put it back together again?
Hanayama Level 1 Cast Puzzle - Key
Hanayama Level 1 Cast Puzzle - Key
The keys of this popular Hanayma puzzle seem to be locked in such a position that there appears to be no solution no matter how you look at it. Like those attempting to find the solution during the 19th Century puzzle craze, you too will find that the two keys are, in fact, separable. Can you take it apart and put it back together again?
Hanayama Level 2 Cast Puzzle - Cricket
Hanayama Level 2 Cast Puzzle - Cricket
Cricket utilizes pieces resembling equipment used in the sport of Cricket, so, it should be no surprise that this, in its origin, is an English puzzle. The puzzle dates back to 1898. Nob Yoshigahara's, perhaps the world's top puzzle creator, close British friend, James Dalgety, introduced the only, remaining Cricket cast puzzle to him. Mr. Dalgety was kind enough to lend both the puzzle and his hand to Nob and in 2002, together with Hanayama, Cricket was reintroduced to the puzzle world. Can you take it apart and put it back together again?
Hanayama Level 2 Cast Puzzle - Disk
Hanayama Level 2 Cast Puzzle - Disk
The Hanayama Disk Puzzle is a product of the Dutch designer Oskar van Deventer. Nob Yoshigahara's, perhaps the world's top puzzle creator, met his close friend Oskar at the World Puzzle Designer's Forum in Los Angeles in August of 2000. Nob considered Oskar van Deventer one of the world's sharpest minds and now you can experience what Nob discovered in L.A. upon meeting his brilliant friend. Can you take it apart and put it back together again?
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